Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Iyar: Spiritual Month Of Healing (Prophetic Word)

 A Prophetic Word In Season: April 11, 2021
Pastor Dr. N.E. Bazemore, Church Of God Ministries
The Book Of Revelation: Chapters 15-18
God desires to communicate with His people intimately. We are reminded that Adam and Eve were blessed to have access to God as they communed and fellowshipped in the Garden Of Eden. God has not changed! God still has revelation to release into the earth realm through His people. One of the ways that He accomplishes His communication purposes is through the prophetic ministry. Paul even encourages us to desire the gift of prophecy for the edification of the church.
As you know, we are living in an age of unprecedented acceleration of technological advances. So, since the Lord is allowing technology to invade the earth, we know that He will indeed use it for our good and His glory. This, however, requires a willingness on our part to seek out the Lord's good and perfect divine sovereign will in all matters pertaining to life. That means the earthly systems and kingdoms of: religion; education; healthcare; arts and entertainment; justice; business; economics; and the rest. 
The Book of Revelation clearly reveals how God can and will use anything created for His purposes. Almighty God has all power and total control over everything. HE has the authority to command all the principalities, powers and hosts to align with His sovereign plans throughout all history.
According to the Biblical calendar, we are walking into the month of Iyar on March 13th of the Gregorian calendar. The tribe of Issachar is associated with this month. So, expect intense spiritual prophetic dreams and Holy Spirit interpretations to discern the times and seasons for you and those in your sphere of influence to act. God has appointed times for all things. The month of Iyar also reminds us that our God is Rapha (Healer). So, look forward to supernatural healing miracles in specific areas of disorder and misalignment. Lay the hands of God's Word on your situation(s), circumstance(s), and condition(s) with an expectation of healing and deliverance NOW! Hallelujah!
Chapter 15:
The 7 plagues, which are the last plagues God will send before Christ returns, complete the wrath of God, and are much stronger and widespread than the trumpet judgments. The tone  in Revelation 15 speaks to God's law and His grace. The images remind us of God's people's exodus from Egypt. God is able to save, set free, heal and deliver spiritually and physically.
Chapter 16:
This chapter walks us through the bowls of wrath. It is also the chapter that references Armageddon. The battleground of Armageddon is located in the Valley of Jezreel in Israel. It speaks to the great and final war between the forces of good and evil.
Chapter 17:
 Revelation 17 clearly reveals false religion or spiritual adultery symbolically as that of a prostitute and/or harlot. It reminds us that man looks at the outer appearance; however, the Lord God knows the heart. This chapter ends with a revelation of the meaning of the woman and the beast. The mystery speaks to kings and mountains. Again, we are reminded in verse 17 that God is in control.
Chapter 18:
 Here, Babylon is a city devoted to wealth, materialism, and self-centeredness. The Fall of Babylon speaks to Babylon's judgment for spiritual fornication and sinful works. This chapter clearly reminds us of Romans 12:19: Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay," says the Lord. 

Pastor Dr. N.E. Bazemore, Church Of God Ministries

My book link: According to the Power  

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