Herb Of The Week: Self-heal and/or Heal-all (Prunella Vulgaris)
Video Introduction: Self-heal, related to mint, is one of the most widely studied herbs. It has been used medicinally for centuries. The entire plant is edible and is used internally, as well as externally. The fresh or dried plant parts are used in ointments, tinctures, infusions and more. The young leaves and stems can be eaten raw in salads for a more nutritious medicinal meal. This herb, thought of as a weed by many, is used for minor to major imbalances and dis-eases. Research has proven self-heal to be helpful for systemic, acute, as well as chronic conditions. It's even useful for brain health. Self-heal is known to be excellent for stimulating the lymphatic system. Also, as an antiviral, it inhibits the binding ability of a virus so that the virus does not replicate. Self-heal is widely known for its use in wound care, as well as healthy skin tissue. The chemicals in self-heal act as antioxidants. Enjoy the video!
Friday, April 16, 2021
Prophetic Fire: The Prophet's School
Prophetess Dr. N.E. Bazemore #thedetoxprophet #AncientlyProgressive
Those invited into the spiritual realm of prophecy are set on fire by the Lord from the inside out, top to bottom. God revealed Himself to Moses within a burning bush that did not burn up. In other words, the eternal fire of God is sustained by Himself, the self-existent One, capable of creating all things necessary to accomplish His purposes. It is important, however, to understand that fire has the potential to bless, as well as destroy; to consume or refine. Fire symbolizes many things, such as resurrection, eternity, rebirth, purification, and passion, as well as, destruction.
The Bible reveals truth through fire from Genesis to Revelation; and the prophets are well aware of the force of fire as it relates to the prophetic will of the Lord. So, let's look at this element, fire, from a spiritual perspective. But first, it is important to note that oxygen, heat, and fuel (fire triangle) combined with a chemical reaction equals a fire tetrahedron. We also underline the colors of a fire's flames which are: red, orange, yellow, blue, and/or white. However, the hottest flames of fire are white-blue. White speaks to purity and wisdom; blue represents spoken truth and spiritual revelation from the highest heaven. Spiritually speaking, the prophet's spirit, soul, and body must be offered up to the Lord in service to Almighty God. It requires that the prophet surrender his or her will to God's good and perfect divine sovereign will. It demands that the thoughts, words and works of God be communicated with the pure intent of the Lord. True prophetic ministry, as revealed by Jeremiah (weeping prophet), Isaiah (eagle-eye prophet), Samuel, and others, can be strangely lonely and draining. Burden-bearing prophets, such as Ezekiel and the like, are trusted with the weighty responsibility of intercession. Sometimes it's just the prophet and God. The prophet becomes God's instrument of love, help, and healing. Surrender to God keeps the prophet's spirit in the fiery presence of the Lord.
A prophet's unique spirit is required for the office of prophet. However, the Lord may use anyone to prophecy. The prophet's mantle is not the same as the prophecy anointing. The mantle is a spiritual covering according to the prophet's spiritual territory and sphere of influence. It is activated upon the awakening of the prophet's prophetic spirit by the Lord.
In this moment and in this hour of profound spiritual transition, you need a right now word from the Lord to bring clarity and illumination to the pilgrimage all prophets share.
You also need the Holy Spirit to guide you through a spiritual assessment, and/or a holistic evaluation of your current condition to pinpoint where you are in relationship to where you need to be in this season. You need a spiritual analysis, a prophetic study and interpretation of the choices that resulted in your current condition; a spiritual plan, a strategic course of action to transform your life by the renewing of your mind; and spiritual implementation, a green light to move in the appointed direction to reach your destiny. All of this is preparation for prophetic ministry.
One discipline method is fasting. Fasting is a Biblical principle that trains the Believer to depend on the Lord God for all things. It is usually a time of abstaining from food; however, other activities may be eliminated, as well. When the body is not involved in the work of food digestion and other activities, the spirit is able to hear the Holy Spirit more clearly and accurately. Fasting washes, cleanses, and purifies the spirit, soul, and body. Therefore, it is important to worship, pray fervently, read and study the Bible, and spend quiet time with the Lord during a fast. Fasting sharpens your spiritual senses, as well as your natural senses. It provides spiritual protection, as the Lord Himself keeps you.
This is what the LORD says: "Let not the wise boast of their wisdom or the strong boast of their strength or the rich boast of their riches, but let the one who boasts boast about this: that they have the understanding to know me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight," declares the LORD. - Jeremiah 9:23-24
Lord Jesus Christ, I receive you as Savior and King. You are my HEALER. I have received the oil of joy and the garment of praise. Today, I choose to believe your TRUTH. I choose to be filled with your LIGHT. I choose to receive your eternal LIFE. Lord Jesus, by your grace, I will walk in LOVE. I will stay focused on YOU. I will trust you, King Jesus. I will believe that all things work together for good. I will praise you always, Lord. I will worship you in spirit and in truth, Lord. I will rest in your glory, Lord. I know that you understand me. I know that you know all about my past, present, and future. I know that you are working on my behalf in the unseen realm. You, Lord, have begun a good work in me; and You will complete it. I will trust the process from the inside out. I EXPECT the BEST! Thank you, Lord Jesus! I LOVE YOU! MAKE THIS YOUR CONFESSION!
Scripture References: Matthew 3:10-11; Jeremiah 23:29; Jeremiah 20:9; Luke 12:49; Hebrews 12:29; Luke 3:16; Psalm 104:4; Acts 2:3; 2 Chronicles 7:1; 1 Corinthians 3:11-17; Hebrews 1:7; Isaiah 43:2; Acts 2:3-4; James 3:6; Exodus 24:17; Revelation 2:18.
Pastor Dr. N.E. Bazemore, Church Of God Ministries
The Book Of Revelation: Chapters 15-18
God desires to communicate with His people intimately. We are reminded that Adam and Eve were blessed to have access to God as they communed and fellowshipped in the Garden Of Eden. God has not changed! God still has revelation to release into the earth realm through His people. One of the ways that He accomplishes His communication purposes is through the prophetic ministry. Paul even encourages us to desire the gift of prophecy for the edification of the church.
As you know, we are living in an age of unprecedented acceleration of technological advances. So, since the Lord is allowing technology to invade the earth, we know that He will indeed use it for our good and His glory. This, however, requires a willingness on our part to seek out the Lord's good and perfect divine sovereign will in all matters pertaining to life. That means the earthly systems and kingdoms of: religion; education; healthcare; arts and entertainment; justice; business; economics; and the rest.
The Book of Revelation clearly reveals how God can and will use anything created for His purposes. Almighty God has all power and total control over everything. HE has the authority to command all the principalities, powers and hosts to align with His sovereign plans throughout all history.
According to the Biblical calendar, we are walking into the month of Iyar on March 13th of the Gregorian calendar. The tribe of Issachar is associated with this month. So, expect intense spiritual prophetic dreams and Holy Spirit interpretations to discern the times and seasons for you and those in your sphere of influence to act. God has appointed times for all things. The month of Iyar also reminds us that our God is Rapha (Healer). So, look forward to supernatural healing miracles in specific areas of disorder and misalignment. Lay the hands of God's Word on your situation(s), circumstance(s), and condition(s) with an expectation of healing and deliverance NOW! Hallelujah!
Chapter 15:
The 7 plagues, which are the last plagues God will send before Christ returns, complete the wrath of God, and are much stronger and widespread than the trumpet judgments. The tone in Revelation 15 speaks to God's law and His grace. The images remind us of God's people's exodus from Egypt. God is able to save, set free, heal and deliver spiritually and physically.
Chapter 16:
This chapter walks us through the bowls of wrath. It is also the chapter that references Armageddon. The battleground of Armageddon is located in the Valley of Jezreel in Israel. It speaks to the great and final war between the forces of good and evil.
Chapter 17:
Revelation 17 clearly reveals false religion or spiritual adultery symbolically as that of a prostitute and/or harlot. It reminds us that man looks at the outer appearance; however, the Lord God knows the heart. This chapter ends with a revelation of the meaning of the woman and the beast. The mystery speaks to kings and mountains. Again, we are reminded in verse 17 that God is in control.
Chapter 18:
Here, Babylon is a city devoted to wealth, materialism, and self-centeredness. The Fall of Babylon speaks to Babylon's judgment for spiritual fornication and sinful works. This chapter clearly reminds us of Romans 12:19: Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay," says the Lord.
Pastor Dr. N.E. Bazemore, Church Of God Ministries