This definitely is the time to consider using herbs and essential oils for your health and wellness. So, I've created a short video and some notes to get you started on your way to taking charge of your wellbeing. Let me know what you think, or ask questions in the comments section.
Stay well,
Essential oils are the highly concentrated oils stored in the fruits, seeds, flowers, barks, stems, roots, leaves or other parts of a plant for different purposes. Essential oils stored in the root, leaf, or bark are used by the plant as a defense mechanism. Essential oils stored in the resin are used by the plant for healing. Essential oils stored in the flower or fruit are used by the plant to attract pollinators. Essential oils are used by plants for communication purposes. High quality organic essential oils also have a very high vibrational frequency when used in aromatherapy and other modalities.
So, when you’re ready to create an aromatherapy blend, here are a few things to consider. What aromas attract you? What is the purpose of the blend? How will the blend be used? Who will be using the blend? Are there any health issues to consider? Are there any medication interactions to consider? Are your essential oils therapeutic? After you’ve answered these questions to your satisfaction, consider the following information. Please note that there are no strict guidelines regarding essential oil blends ~ personal preference and inspiration are usually the determining factors. However, general standards should be considered for safety purposes, as well as better outcomes.
It is generally recommended that you use 2 – 5 essential oils per blend as follows:
Base Note EO = 1 drop/added first/evaporates last
Heart Note EO = 2 drops/added second/essence of blend after top fades
Top Note EO = 3 drops/added last/evaporates first
~ OR ~
Base Note = 20% (Frankincense, Myrrh, Spikenard)
Heart Note = 50% (Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Tea Tree)
Top Note = 30% (Hyssop, Mint oils, Citrus oils)
Blends need to be added to carrier oils/diluted and allowed to sit for approximately 24 hours before using.
A few herb/essential oil families to consider:
Herb and/or Essential Oil Benefits:
Bilberry: cardiovascular health; antioxidant; eye health; and more.
Cinnamon: diabetes and hypercholesterolemia management; stress management; pain management; antimicrobial; antioxidant; heart health; and more.
Clove: antioxidant; antimicrobial; digestive system health; anti-carcinogenic; liver protection; stress management; pain management; and more.
Echinacea: immune system health; cell health; and more.
Elderberry: immune system health; antioxidant; cardiovascular health; digestive aid; and more.
Frankincense: immune health; antimicrobial; stress management; liver health; anti-inflammatory benefits; pain management; and more.
Garlic: liver health; prebiotic; immune system health; blood pressure management; cholesterol management; and more.
Ginger: digestive aid; anti-inflammatory; bone health; and more.
Lavender: antioxidant; nervous system health; antiseptic; and more.
Lemon: stress relief; immune system health; pH balance; respiratory health; and more. Lemongrass: central nervous system health; digestive system health; antioxidant; anti-inflammatory; cholesterol management; and more.
Milk Thistle: liver health; brain health; antioxidant; anti-inflammatory; and more.
Myrrh: immune health; pain management; digestive health; antimicrobial; antiviral; antiseptic; limbic system effects; purifying; and more.
Oregano: antibiotic; antioxidant; antifungal; antiparasitic; and more.
Peppermint: digestive aid; immune system health; pain management; and more. Rosemary: blood circulation; brain health; immune system health; pain relief; and more. Tea Tree: antimicrobial; antiviral; antiseptic; insect repellent; and more.
Thyme: antispasmodic; antirheumatic; disinfectant; immune system health; heart health; antibacterial; and more.