Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Essential Oils And Herbs For The Beginner

This definitely is the time to consider using herbs and essential oils for your health and wellness. So, I've created a short video and some notes to get you started on your way to taking charge of your wellbeing. Let me know what you think, or ask questions in the comments section. 

Stay well, 



Essential oils are the highly concentrated oils stored in the fruits, seeds, flowers, barks, stems, roots, leaves or other parts of a plant for different purposes. Essential oils stored in the root, leaf, or bark are used by the plant as a defense mechanism. Essential oils stored in the resin are used by the plant for healing. Essential oils stored in the flower or fruit are used by the plant to attract pollinators. Essential oils are used by plants for communication purposes. High quality organic essential oils also have a very high vibrational frequency when used in aromatherapy and other modalities.

So, when you’re ready to create an aromatherapy blend, here are a few things to consider. What aromas attract you? What is the purpose of the blend? How will the blend be used? Who will be using the blend? Are there any health issues to consider? Are there any medication interactions to consider? Are your essential oils therapeutic? After you’ve answered these questions to your satisfaction, consider the following information. Please note that there are no strict guidelines regarding essential oil blends ~ personal preference and inspiration are usually the determining factors. However, general standards should be considered for safety purposes, as well as better outcomes.

It is generally recommended that you use 2 – 5 essential oils per blend as follows:

Base Note EO = 1 drop/added first/evaporates last
Heart Note EO = 2 drops/added second/essence of blend after top fades
Top Note EO = 3 drops/added last/evaporates first

~ OR ~

Base Note = 20% (Frankincense, Myrrh, Spikenard)
Heart Note = 50% (Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Tea Tree)
Top Note = 30% (Hyssop, Mint oils, Citrus oils)

Blends need to be added to carrier oils/diluted and allowed to sit for approximately 24 hours before using.

A few herb/essential oil families to consider:

Herb and/or Essential Oil Benefits:

Bilberry: cardiovascular health; antioxidant; eye health; and more.
Cinnamon: diabetes and hypercholesterolemia management; stress management; pain management; antimicrobial; antioxidant; heart health; and more.
Clove: antioxidant; antimicrobial; digestive system health; anti-carcinogenic; liver protection; stress management; pain management; and more.
Echinacea: immune system health; cell health; and more.
Elderberry: immune system health; antioxidant; cardiovascular health; digestive aid; and more.
Frankincense: immune health; antimicrobial; stress management; liver health; anti-inflammatory benefits; pain management; and more.
Garlic: liver health; prebiotic; immune system health; blood pressure management; cholesterol management; and more.
Ginger: digestive aid; anti-inflammatory; bone health; and more.
Lavender: antioxidant; nervous system health; antiseptic; and more.
Lemon: stress relief; immune system health; pH balance; respiratory health; and more. Lemongrass: central nervous system health; digestive system health; antioxidant; anti-inflammatory; cholesterol management; and more.
Milk Thistle: liver health; brain health; antioxidant; anti-inflammatory; and more.
Myrrh: immune health; pain management; digestive health; antimicrobial; antiviral; antiseptic; limbic system effects; purifying; and more.
Oregano: antibiotic; antioxidant; antifungal; antiparasitic; and more.
Peppermint: digestive aid; immune system health; pain management; and more. Rosemary: blood circulation; brain health; immune system health; pain relief; and more. Tea Tree: antimicrobial; antiviral; antiseptic; insect repellent; and more.
Thyme: antispasmodic; antirheumatic; disinfectant; immune system health; heart health; antibacterial; and more.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

How To Adjust To This New Way Of Living ~ The Answer Is Hidden in Elul

Greetings ~ I'm back with more lifestyle musings. In my blogs, I muse about the things of life: spirit, soul and body ~ holistic living. Occasionally, I also share my thoughts and/or beliefs about the future from a Biblical perspective to encourage and inspire. So, if you are interested in beginning the new year with a fresh start, enjoy the video. I hope that you will be refreshed, renewed, rejuvenated, replenished, refocused, rewarded, reimagined and more in this new season. Please be sure to read the description box after you watch and/or listen to the video. 

The video was recorded on the second day of Elul. The spiritual significance of the month of Elul interests me because it reminds us to take time to reflect. It is a period of days established to prepare us for a new beginning. New beginnings are a blessing because we receive another opportunity to make the choices that allow us to manifest who we already are spiritually. As we are adjusting to our new ways of living, we want to be careful not to take our old patterns of thinking that have hindered our awareness with us into the future. So, we bravely and humbly go through the process of cleansing and washing knowing that there is healing on the other side that leads to growth. Awareness requires that we release past traumas and wounds that keep us stuck. It is a process of forgiveness that encompasses all of our being. It sets us free to be who we were purposed to be in our lives. It reminds us of the answer that we were created to be in this world. Awareness allows us to live our highest life with newfound peace and joy. 

Elul is also a time of blowing a trumpet (shofar) almost daily to consistently remind us to repent ~ turn back to the truth. Sometimes it helps to shout or create a sound that comes out of your innermost being. That sound that you release contains a frequency and vibration that causes your spirit, soul and body to come into alignment. Blowing a shofar also helps us to set the atmosphere for healing.   

So, how do you start the renewal cycle? You start by setting the intention to begin again. You start by taking every thought captive. Why are you thinking those thoughts? Where do those thoughts originate? What truth can you use as a sword to cast out those thoughts? As you tend to the garden of your mind, you will soon realize that your words change. Remember, your words have power ~ think true thoughts and your words will follow. Finally, your actions will follow whatever you are dominantly thinking and speaking. Now I know that this is a very simplistic approach to what many have as severe life challenges. You are in my prayers as you grapple with and seek relief from the vicissitudes of life. However, I do believe that what I offer here is a step in the right direction, even as you may choose to get more life support.    

Grace and mercy,

Nina Bazemore, DNM

Please note that I have included an Amazon link if you are interested in purchasing a shofar. As an Amazon affiliate/associate, I could receive a commission/fee if you use my link. Thank you.


Sunday, June 28, 2020

At-Home Chair Pilates Chair Exercise For Ages 60+

Have you been living on earth 60 or more years? Has it been months or years since you last exercised? Are you looking for an at~home exercise routine that is gentle and chair friendly? Well, here is my gift to you ~ enjoy!

Monday, May 11, 2020

Chair Pilates For Seniors Silver&Fit Fitness Location Renew Active UnitedHealthcare Partner #athomewithme

Greetings! I sincerely want you to be empowered, inspired and motivated during this time of healing. I believe that wholeness is the true alignment of spirit, soul and body. That means that we must intentionally seek balance, homeostasis. As a holistic health practitioner, I specialize in the population that is living beyond the age of 60. I want you to grasp the importance of moving for health. The benefits of regular physical activity have been well documented. Movement is necessary for synovial fluid circulation, optimal blood circulation, cardiovascular health, immune system health, lymphatic drainage, stress relief, pain management/prevention, flexibility, increased range of motion, joint health, mental health, and so much more. So while you're at home during this time of physical distancing, I hope that you will exercise with me. This Chair Pilates class is slow-paced and gentle. It has been specifically designed for beginners, seniors, and anyone with limited mobility. 
To your holistic health!