Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Exercise Motivation

Greetings! As I am writing this post, we're about 50 days into 2019. That means that you're about 50 days into your 2019 health intentions! How's it going? Great, I hope😇. Well, maybe you haven't been as motivated and inspired as you were 50 days ago ~ it happens. So, you've come to the right place to get a healthy dose of motivation. Don't worry ~ I'll make it short and to the point. After all, you need to spend some time doing what you set out to do this year. Let's start with exercise
motivation in this blog. I get the sense that you've been having setbacks and other challenges regarding exercise consistency. So, we'll start with the basics.

The first thing you want to think and pray about are strategies to keep you encouraged, inspired and motivated to exercise even when you have absolutely no desire to move. We've all been down that road. So, how do you do what you don't want to do until it becomes a part of your lifestyle? I'm glad you asked! Write the vision, and read it often😇. Write and read your intention(s) for living a healthier more holistic lifestyle. By doing so, you continually remind yourself of the why. Why have you decided to live a healthier more holistic lifestyle? What are the benefits of exercise? Then, when you don't feel like moving in your body, your soul will encourage you, and your spirit will inspire you to keep going onward and upward.

The next step is to perform an assessment of your present lifestyle priorities to determine how to adopt the necessary changes for your success. That means a careful and deliberate evaluation of how you spend your time each day. Be careful, this process requires very specific details of your time spent engaged in your day-to-day activities. In other words, where are you spending your energy?    

Once the assessment is complete, a thorough review of your findings will allow you to clearly see how you've structured your present lifestyle. Once you know how your time and energy are being used, you are able to make decisions and changes regarding your new healthy lifestyle priorities.

Moving along, begin outlining your new schedule using strategies that will allow you to maximize your time and focus your energy. For example, where can you reduce the amount of time that you spend on an activity to allow for exercise? Have you considered meal preparation strategies to reduce the amount of time you spend in the kitchen? How much time can you shift from social media to a healthier activity? I think you get the point😇.

Lastly, it's implementation time. In other words, just do it ~ no excuses ~ you can do this. Believe you can and you will.
You are closer now than you were 50 days ago. Be motivated! Be encouraged! Be inspired!

Live your life to the fullest,
