Tuesday, June 12, 2018

+PLUS CBD oil, KABAKI KENYAN Purple Tea, Beanfields Bean Chips Sample Preview

Greetings! Are you as excited as I am about the exponentially accelerated offers of products available for health conscious consumers? This is a good time to be alive, especially for my generation.😇 Of course, I still strongly promote getting as many nutrients as possible from organic fruits, vegetables, and other whole foods. However, it sure is good to have plant-based supplements, superfoods, healthy snacks and beverages to fill in the nutritional gaps of modern life. So, where am I going with this blog post? I'm going to provide you with a preview of 3 free sample products I just recently received. Okay, I received them yesterday, and I opened the box last evening.😊 Therefore, it's a preview, as I have not tried the products, yet. Let's be patient - good things come to those who wait.😊 So, what I will do here is show you a picture of the product, as well as a summary of its labeling. That's my part in this exploration. Your part is to let me know in the comment section of this blog if you want me to post a follow up blog of my review of the products after I consume them. I think that sounds fair. I'll do the research; you'll let me know if you're interested in my findings. If I don't get any comments, I'll assume no one cares; and I won't bore you with the details. See, I am considerate of your time and interests. Well, enough of this, let's get into the preview.


The label on the 14 fluid ounce bottle says it's packed with antioxidants, polyphenols, and anthocyanins, and is grown in Kenya, East Africa. The list of ingredients include a proprietary blend of Kenyan purple tea, organic herbal tea, organic cane sugar, organic raspberry flavor and citric acid.  On the label, anthocyanins are described as compounds that are found in red and purple plants, particularly berries, and are known to have powerful antioxidant properties. The label includes the story of the company and founder. It says that 10% of the pre-tax profits are donated to Kijiji Medical, its nonprofit hospital in Navasha, Kenya.      

PLUS +CBDoil Gold Formula:

After putting on my "readers", I was able to see that the label on the bottle of 30 softgels lists the serving size as 1 softgel. The amount of hemp oil (aerial plant parts) per serving is 60mg. The CBD/Cannabidiol is 15mg. The other ingredients are: extra virgin olive oil, vegetarian softgel (vegetable cellulose, water), silica. In addition to the usual FDA disclosures, the label also states that the product is not intended for anyone under the age of 18. The box that contained my free samples, also, included a very detailed brochure about the company's products. I'll read it later. Perhaps, I'll read some of it while I'm recording this blog's YouTube video.


The 1.5 ounce bag of chips lists each serving as containing 4 grams of protein and fiber; bold flavor;
gluten free; and non GMO vegan. Some of the ingredients are: black beans, navy beans, brown rice, safflower or sunflower oil, seasoning blend, sugar, onion powder, yeast extract, dehydrated green and red bell pepper, paprika, natural flavors, grill flavor (from sunflower oil).

So, there you have it. A short preview of 3 products I've never tried. I look forward to sharing product previews and reviews with you in the future. I know that for me, reviews are helpful when I'm considering a new purchase. As I seek to be an excellent steward over my finances, informed decisions become more and more important in my quest to be a wise consumer. Reviews don't always sway me in one direction or another, but it sure helps to hear about others' experiences.

Video of Product Preview:

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My email address is: ancientlyprogressive@gmail.com


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

It's Time For A Holistic Stretch

Have you ever felt rigid in your spirit? How about tightness in your soul? What about stiffness in your body preventing you from accomplishing physical tasks? Well, since I believe most readers of this blog responded with an affirmative answer, I'm going to share some insight about the benefits of holistic stretching. Holistic stretching pertains to the demands placed on our spirits, souls, and bodies to increase their capacity to attain more than thought possible. In other words, the more flexible you are, the more you achieve.

When I'm working with physical fitness clients, I stress the importance of stretching for increased range of motion, injury prevention, flexibility, as well as other health benefits. Wow, there really are benefits to stretching😇.  However, it begins with the spirit and soul. You see, the self-discipline necessary to stretch the physical body daily begins in the spirit and soul. That's where the thoughts and intentions are determined - the body just provides the vehicle for the energy of the unseen to manifest. So, the more you practice doing something, the more it becomes second nature to you. The more you practice ignoring self-limiting thoughts by stretching your mind beyond the illusion of what's possible, the more you'll believe in yourself to accomplish your goals. To God be the Glory!

Here are three keys to stretching holistically:

  • Stir up your creative juices by spending time alone meditating and thinking, until you hear clearly in your spirit. If your mind wanders, remember flexibility requires time and consistent stretching. Also, note where your mind wanders, as there are clues in the "wanderings", as well. Be patient with yourself. Trust that God knows the plans He has for you. If you ask, He will answer and direct you. Whatever you hear Him say, do!

  • Make up in your mind that you want all that God has for you. Set your intention to live out your purpose. Create a vision board. Write in your journal daily. Ignore thoughts that do not serve your purpose, by replacing them with thoughts that do. Be a blessing to others.            

  • Commit to living a holistically healthy lifestyle by believing that it is possible to be and feel happy, energized and full of life. Stay with me, now - you've come this far😇.  I know that's really a stretch in your thinking for some of you - that's the point - stretch beyond what you think is possible. I know that realistically speaking some of you are dealing with financial challenges, health challenges, relationship issues, legal difficulties, family crises, spiritual warfare, and more. So, you're wondering if I'm really serious about this advice I'm sending your way. Yes, I am quite serious about this advice. I actually believe that these principles are crucial to your well-being. I've learned that it is possible to experience the vicissitudes of life and still stay your course. However, it requires a warrior spirit that fights to enforce the victory. In other words, I wholeheartedly believe that we can do all things through Christ. Amen!   

Please leave your questions and comments.

Until next time, S---T---R---E---T---C---H😊

Monday, February 12, 2018

Nina's Ezekiel Bread Healthy Tuna Sandwich Recipe

Greetings! Have you ever considered elevating your basic tuna salad recipe to a higher nutritional level? Also, have you considered Ezekiel bread as a healthier option for your sandwiches? If so, here's a short audio video describing a recipe for healthy tuna salad that will surely boost its nutritional value. The audio video includes the health benefits of the ingredients to encourage you to consider using fresh herbs in your meal preparations. Using fresh herbs in your recipes has the potential of taking your foods to medicinal levels, as well as enhancing the flavor. "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." - Hippocrates  
                                                                 Photo Credit: Nina Bazemore

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Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Parenting Begins Before Conception

Greetings! Have you ever considered that parenting actually begins before conception? That's right! Before the unfertilized egg is even fertilized, parents should begin the parenting process. Whoa, GrandmaNina - how is that accomplished? Now, before you begin to think that this blog message is not for you for various reasons, please give me a few more minutes of your time. Who knows, maybe someone in your sphere of influence might benefit from this information: children, grandchildren, sisters, brothers, nieces, nephews, friends, mentees, and others. On that note, let's keep the thoughts flowing😇. As I was saying, the wellbeing of your child begins before conception. The spirit, soul, and body balance of your yet to be conceived child is affected by the state of your spirit, soul, and body. That means that your parenting strategy should begin as soon as you realize that you want to become a parent someday. It's a different mindset when you realize that one day you'll be responsible for the life of another human being. That's a sobering thought, isn't it? As you think, so are you😇. Wow, now that ought to give you pause for thought. So, what's a man or woman to do?

The first step is to consider the state of your spirit. What do you believe? What is your philosophy as it relates to life? What are your thoughts about your own childhood? What are your thoughts about how you were raised? Do you pray for guidance? Are you a loving person? Are you at peace? Remember, this is a holistic process. It requires some deep work to get to the root of who you are in this life. Again, as you think, so are you - and you are going to have a major influence over your child. You need to receive your healing, so that you don't cause wounds - hurt people, hurt people - healed people, heal. We want you whole, so that you can lead your child to wholeness. You need to discover your strengths and weaknesses by the Spirit of God, so that you can see the same in your child. In other words, you need to know your purpose to help someone in their purpose.

The next step is to deal with your soul. Your soul is comprised of your mind, will, and emotions. Your mind allows you to be aware of your experiences. Do you think about your life, or do you just go through the motions? "Cogito ergo sum" - "I think, therefore, I am". ~ Rene' Descartes. How self disciplined are you? Self discipline is defined as the ability to control one's feelings and overcome one's weaknesses; the ability to pursue what one thinks is right despite temptations to abandon it.  Parenting requires surrendering to TRUTH. What level is your emotional intelligence? Emotions are powerful affective states of consciousness. When your emotional state is healthy, you use the information gleaned from your feelings to guide your thinking and behavior. See, it's all connected😇.

The last step for this blog is to evaluate your level of overall health, as well as the health and wellbeing of your child. Yes, I'm talking about the condition your body is in before conception. It really makes a difference in the health of your child. Do you exercise? Do you get enough sleep? Do you eat healthy, including generous amounts of fruits and vegetables? Do you drink adequate amounts of water? Do you supplement to cover deficits in food quality? Do you avoid products loaded with chemicals? Have you researched or learned about herbs and superfoods for optimum health?

Also, what are your plans regarding childhood vaccines? Do you plan to breastfeed? Do you have a plan for your child's healthy eating schedule? Will you need childcare? How about education? Where will your family attend church? How are your finances?

These are just a few things to consider before conception. However, even if your family is not planned in advance, it's never too late to change. You're just a thought away from a new beginning. Start right where you are with what you have, and you'll be there at the appointed time. God loves you ALWAYS😇.

Have you interviewed and selected a spiritual doula to support you during your pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum stages?

Thank you for reading and sharing this blog. Please provide your email address, so that we stay connected. ~ lifestylemusingswithgrandmanina