Greetings! I trust that all is well, and I thank you for reading and viewing this week's "musings". In this post, I'm going to allow pictures to speak to you. I hope you don't mind. In fact, I've heard that sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. Meaning, sometimes an idea can be conveyed with an image more effectively than a description. Hmm, maybe I should use pictures more often. Well, it won't just be a still image. I've also added words to the pictures for even more of a visual point. You know, I think pictures plus words ought to do it. It's really not that deep. But, maybe it is...depends on how far you want to travel down the rabbit hole. Okay, enough of that.
This week I'm going to very briefly share some of the amazing health benefits of frankincense. Even though frankincense has been around for thousands of years, it is an herb that is rarely discussed or recommended. Frankincense was one of the gifts given to Jesus by the wise men. That's enough to get my attention. So, even though I've only pictured a few uses for this powerful herb; it has culinary, medicinal, cosmetic, and other uses, as well. It's one of the herbs that I use in some way daily - unless, of course, I run out. However, that never seems to happen. I must say, I always have frankincense on hand to add to food, to use topically, or for spiritual purposes. That's right, we offer it on our online store. So, I guess I have no excuse😇. Health and blessings! Remember to share😊
Post your questions in the comment section. I will respond as soon as possible.
Greetings! First off, I think I have some explaining to do: yes, I'm also known as "thedetoxprophet". Why? Well, if you're following me on my four Facebook pages, Twitter, YouTube, other websites and blogs, you know that I believe in holistic wellness. In other words, I believe that there is a crucial connection between the spirit, soul, and body. You would also know that I believe that it is imperative that we maintain a clear passageway to receive by maintaining a cleansed system. This cleansing is accomplished through a very sophisticated process of holistic detoxification. So, since I specialize in helping people to detox their spirits, souls, and body; and a prophet delivers messages: hence "thedetoxprophet". Now that that's all cleared up, let's get to this week's message.
Have you ever been given an opportunity, but you just couldn't get to where you were going? You don't have to answer me. I already know the answer. It's yes, isn't it? How did I know? Because we all receive opportunities for change; and we all face obstacles as we move forward. Change requires growth. Are you ready? Let's call these opportunities doors, okay? I think we can agree that doors are either open or closed. So far, so good. Now, let's say, you receive an invitation to walk through an open door of great possibilities. Sounds wonderful! Remember, the good promise is on the other side of the open door. Excited? This is going to be awesome! Uh-oh! I didn't tell you about the cost to change. I have a confession: I didn't tell you because the average person doesn't like change, especially the cost. It takes courage to change; and many people want the promise without the investment. So, they stand at the door looking out, but never passing through. Why? Because spiritual growth requires sacrifice, and sacrifice is hard. For some, it's easier to settle for mediocrity when life gets hard. But, the truth of the matter is: if it were easy, everybody would do it. Right? You know as soon as you step out in faith, your faith is tested. That's life. The next level requires a test. Remember when you were in school, and you needed to pass tests to move on to the next highest grade? Aha! Now you see what I'm talking about. It's only a test. Tests are necessary for growth that leads to change. I've learned that it's always harder right before a breakthrough, and this is where most people give up. Don't give up when it gets hard! Push past the discomfort of pain. You'll adjust to this new level in due time. Push past the obstacles. Keep moving! Keep you eyes on the promise. You can do this! You are not alone! Everyone who has ever made it to the next level has gone through the process to get there. "You won't get there until you walk through the open door." God is for you, and so am I.
Jesus Christ is my Lord! I'll be back next week with another message.
Greetings! I was hoping you'd show up here. You know I wrote this blog just for you. How do I know that? Because, you're here. Am I getting deep too soon? Okay, I'll slow down a bit just for you. I actually began thinking about today's message earlier this morning. Well, it was earlier this morning for me. Anyway, I was excited to hear that I would be writing about relationships. Yay! Relationships are the conduits for healing. I've learned that no matter how casual or intimate, relationships teach us lessons that facilitate the manifestation of holistic healing. Healing begins in the spirit, down to the soul, and then into the body. So, what do relationships have to do with healing? I'm glad you asked? Thank you for allowing me to share the truth of this principle at its most basic casual level, so that the intensity of its fulfillment at a higher more intimate level is appreciated even without a backstory.
Have you ever been in a long line somewhere? Of course, I think we all have. Just thinking about long lines causes anxiety in some people. Many times, while we're standing in those slow moving long lines, the person standing closest to us initiates conversation. Now, I know some of you enjoy talking; but for others, silence is golden. So, let me talk to the introverts right now, even though you extroverts can see yourselves in this, as well. You're probably the ones doing the talking. Did I say that out loud? Okay, back to the scenario, you're standing there not wanting to talk at all. You just want to complete your transaction and be on your way. You smile. You nod your head. You feign interest. You look away. You look at the ceiling. You look at the floor. You look at your phone. You hope you get a text, or telephone call. You give short responses when necessary. However, this person just won't stop talking. Stay with me. I'm going somewhere with this setup. Remember, this is about relationships. A relationship is just a state of being connected. The moment you responded to this person's conversation, you became connected on a casual level. You might never see this person again. But for the time that you engage this person, there is a connection. The question is, what are you going to learn about yourself from the encounter? You look forward and you realize that you're going to be in this line for a long time. What do you do? That's your choice. All I know is that what you do is an indicator of your level of spiritual maturity. In other words, you can only give what you have. If you have patience, you'll be patient. If you have compassion, you'll be compassionate. If you have joy, you'll be joyful. If you have tact, you'll be tactful. If you have love, you'll be loving.
The goal is to become your highest self; and this is only accomplished through mindful relationships. Relationships help us to identify our strengths and weaknesses. They allow us opportunities to grow by moving us from fear to love when we're open to truth.
The purpose of this message is to bring your awareness to how you interact with your connections on a spiritual level. Take this and apply it to every type of relationship in your life, and I believe you'll enjoy more elevated relationships.
I look forward to meeting you back here next week. Stay connected!
By the way, do you have a relationship with Jesus Christ? I'm just asking...😊