Wednesday, September 27, 2017

About My Blog...

Greetings! You might be wondering why I decided to blog here. Maybe not. But, if you were wondering, and even if you weren't, please allow me to introduce myself as, LifeStyleMusingsWithGrandmaNina. I know, such a long way to just say, "here's what's on my mind". I think it takes about the same amount of time to say both. Anyway, LifeStyleMusingsWithGrandmaNina sounds more interesting, don't you think? Thinking is good. It's good for the soul. In fact, we become by thinking. Pretty cool, huh? That means you're just thoughts away from a new reality. Am I getting too deep? I do that sometimes.😊 Here's one for you. If you can say it, that's not it. Who said that? Okay, I'll get back to why I'm blogging here. Well, I just want to reach more people. You know, it is possible that I'm helping in some way. I know that there are many other bloggers blogging about life. I also know that each one of us has been assigned our own unique sphere of influence. I reach those who recognize my voice. It's quite strategic how God has all of this planned. I reach you. You get blessed. You share with your family and friends. We increase together. Sounds good to me.

What can I tell you about myself? You probably guessed that I'm a grandmother. I'm also a wife, pastor, teacher, author, certified holistic health practitioner, and doula. I have other titles, as well, but you get the gist. So, being the multifaceted individual that I am, I have many interests as it relates to living life to the fullest. I believe that there must be an alignment of the spirit, soul, and body for true health and wellness. That means that the appropriate amount of attention must be given to each level of our being. That being said, depending on the many factors that determine my content, when you read my blogs, you'll discover my musings about life. Just my opinion, unless, of course, I'm quoting Scripture. Don't get nervous, I won't be collecting an offering.πŸ˜‚ No preaching here. I hope you'll also comment with your own musings, or even questions. Let's keep the thoughts flowing.    

Live your highest life!

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Health Benefits of Gratefulness

Greetings! This is a great time to focus on the holistic benefits of gratefulness. Gratefulness is appreciation. It is thankfulness. A Biblical proverb even says that it is like medicine. That ought to get your attention. If being grateful leads to a healthier life, I'm sure you want to practice it on a daily basis. So, let me share with you a few things I've learned about being in a state of gratefulness. Studies prove that gratefulness improves your quality of sleep, which is necessary for health. It is during sleep that the inner workings of our bodies go through the processes of restoration, rejuvenation, refreshing, healing, and more.

Gratefulness also reduces stress levels. It's difficult to be stressed when you focus on your blessings. I've learned that it is helpful for me to search for the good in everything I experience, even if it's not what I want to be experiencing. For instance, maybe the reason that relationship ended is because it no longer serves who you are in this season of your life. Maybe the diagnosis will motivate you to make lifestyle changes that create optimum health. Perhaps being terminated from your job will cause you to finally start the business you've been dreaming of for so long.

Gratefulness increases your energy level and reduces pain. This benefit will eliminate the excuses for not exercising. I believe that gratefulness combined with exercise can be life changing, as exercise has immense health benefits that mirror the benefits of gratefulness.

Gratefulness improves relationships. I think you would agree that it's easier to enjoy being with people who have a positive attitude. A positive attitude promotes an atmosphere of joy and peace and love. This type of atmosphere allows for authentic expression. In other words, the vibes of grateful people have an impact on how comfortable we feel being ourselves in their presence.

Gratefulness leads to more smiles. All it takes is a smile to boost your immune system. A strong immune system helps to keep you from being susceptible to the myriad of bacteria, viruses, and other unwanted organisms that we encounter daily. So, smile😊, be grateful, and watch what happens. What are you grateful for today? Share this with your family and friends so that they can post what they're grateful for in the comments section, as well. I hope the relaxing scene in this video will allow you to focus on your abundant blessings...  

Friday, September 15, 2017

Essential Oils

Greetings! I've been using essential oils since the early 90s. It doesn't seem that long ago, but it's been about 25 years since I discovered the awesome power of essential oils. As you'll hear in the video, I use essential oils on a daily basis. I literally mean that essential oils are a part of my lifestyle each day in some way. Essential oils are excellent for natural health and beauty care. They can be added to your skin and hair products, such as lotions and shampoos, for additional benefits. They add nutrients and flavors to foods. They are great for boosting the scents and effectiveness of house cleaning products. I add the oils to my unscented laundry detergent. I blend formulas for air freshening and purifying. Of course, there are many more creative ways to safely use essential oils. How do you use essential oils?

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Clothing and Accessories as Calling Cards

I don't know about you, but I believe that our clothing and accessories to some degree communicate our frame of mind. And being the multifaceted human beings that we are, many of us have different styles of clothing to match our moods. Of course, our fashion is determined by our daily activities, as well. We have outfits for home, work, worship services, exercise, casual events, special events, and other occasions. However, even our choices for these activities are based on how we are thinking at that particular time. So, it's always very interesting to review our photos from past seasons. Sometimes, we may even wonder what we could have been thinking to wear that ensemble. 

Our outward appearance serves as a calling card, if you will, that speaks even before we add voice to our thoughts. That said, we should be mindful of the messages we are sending. That doesn't mean we need to compromise our individuality. On the contrary, it means that we should take every opportunity to allow what's in the inner to manifest on the outer. Allow your creative unique style of clothing and accessories to express to the world who you are, even if you never say a word. Let your style say you're comfortable in your own skin. Be elegant, be free, be casual, be athletic, be sporty, be fancy, be creative, be plain, be simple, be preppy.
Be You!
A comfortable outfit I wore a few weeks ago to spend time in the park with my grandchildren. They were late. I didn't mind waiting. They're worth it!